Upload Your Film
Our Aim
The aim of FilmsOnPhone.com and its iOS and Android Apps is to establish an Ad free, level playing field where Independent Film Makers can showcase their films and receive money directly from their Audience. We do not believe that interrupting a short film with multiple adverts is good for the film or the advertiser. Almost all films are already on YouTube or Vimeo or they are films that have completed their film festival run. All Films are under 45 mins long and can be from any genre.
Getting Paid
Our Audience get free coins that they can give to Directors. Once they have given these coins away, they can purchase more coins.
To learn about how and when Directors are paid, please read Directors Get Paid
Uploading Films is Free
Uploading a film is FREE if your Film already has reasonable number of views on YouTube or Vimeo or if it has completed its festival run and won some awards. You can also enter your film into our FilmsOnPhone Festival via FilmFreeway.
To upload your film, please read our FilmsOnPhone Agreement and Definitions below, agree to the terms and then add your Film and Contact details.
FilmsOnPhone Agreement
1. You confirm that you are the current Film Rights Owner or the current Official Representative of the Film Rights Owner.
2. You agree to inform FilmsOnPhone.com of any changes in Film Rights Ownership as soon as possible.
3. You grant FilmsOnPhone.com the Non-exclusive Right to stream your film to anyone who downloads the FilmsOnPhone App.
4. Anyone who downloads the FilmsOnPhone App can watch your film and give it "Coins" in the form of "Tips".
5. Anyone who downloads the FilmsOnPhone App can also buy Coins using In-App-Purchase.
6. Anyone who downloads the FilmsOnPhone App can Vote for your film to increase its Chart position.
7. FilmsOnPhone.com will provide a facility for Film Rights Owners to exchange their Coins for US $ Dollars.
8. Just like any other App, Apple and Google will take a proportion of each In-App-Purchase as a Transaction Fee.
9. FilmsOnPhone uses 3rd party Hosting Services for video streaming. FilmsOnPhone will take a proportion of each In-App-Purchase to pay for these Hosting Fees.
10. Tips will only be attributed to a film if that film is watched. Tips given to a film without watching the film will be Voided.
11. FilmsOnPhone.com will withhold any payment if the ownership of a Film is disputed until such time as the dispute is resolved.
FilmsOnPhone.com means FilmsOnPhone.com or its parent company that owns and maintains the FilmsOnPhone iOS and Android Apps.
Film Rights Owner means the person or company that owns the distribution rights to the film and has the right to enter into this Agreement.
Official Representative means a person or company who has been given the right to enter this agreement from the Film Rights Owner.
Non-exclusive Right means FilmsOnPhone can stream your film and you can also enter into streaming agreements with YouTube, Vimeo or anywhere else.
Give Tips means the act of giving a Film Rights Owner virtual Coins.
Coins means a virtual currency that can be exchanged for US $ Dollars.
In-App_Purchase means a purchase within the FilmsOnPhone App.
Vote means a mechanism which enables the audience to vote for different aspects of a film such as Director, Actor or Editing.
Chart means a Charting system that ranks films based on the Votes they have received.
Transaction Fees means a fee charged by Apple Inc or Alphabet Inc (Google) when clearing an In-App-Purchase.
Hosting Fees means a fee charged by a Video Hosting company which streams images, data and video to the FilmsOnPhone App.
Voided means a Tip will not be attributed to a film if the person that gives the Tip does not watch the full film.